Is it possible to block all youtube searches but, allow only those that contain keywords that are deemed acceptable?
For example block "how to make a bomb" but allow "how to make muffins"
I am thinking something like blocking the url: h t t p://w w w.y o u t u b e.c o m/results?
Then using REGEX for the exceptions like this: "^https?://(*\.)?youtube.com/results?search_query=[muffin|bunnies|rainbows]*
Make sense?
Is it possible to block all youtube searches but, allow only those that contain keywords that are deemed acceptable?
For example block "how to make a bomb" but allow "how to make muffins"
I am thinking something like blocking the url: h t t p://w w w.y o u t u b e.c o m/results?
Then using REGEX for the exceptions like this: "^https?://(*\.)?youtube.com/results?search_query=[muffin|bunnies|rainbows]*
Make sense?