I am trying to configure a second WAN port so I can view my traffic based on LAN/WLAN, giving me a little more control and visibility into my wireless traffic.
Currently I have:
eth 0 - WLAN 10.10.10.x
eth 1 - WAN ***.***.***.2
eth 2 - LAN
Both LAN and WLAN use masquerading to WAN to get out to internet.
I added eth 3 as a 2nd WAN port, configured as ***.***.***.15 and initially thought that changing the masquerading rule to point to the new WAN (named WWAN) would work... and of course it didn't as apparently Multipath rules is the way to achieve this.
Well configuring Multipath rules is less than intuitive for me so I am unsure what rules I need, and also unsure if there is any changes needed in my masquerading rules.
config should be pretty straight forward as WLAN (eth 0) traffic should be routed out on my WWAN port (eth 3) and LAN (eth 2) traffic should continue to be routed out on the original WAN (eth 1) port.
Thanks in advance for any help.
I am trying to configure a second WAN port so I can view my traffic based on LAN/WLAN, giving me a little more control and visibility into my wireless traffic.
Currently I have:
eth 0 - WLAN 10.10.10.x
eth 1 - WAN ***.***.***.2
eth 2 - LAN
Both LAN and WLAN use masquerading to WAN to get out to internet.
I added eth 3 as a 2nd WAN port, configured as ***.***.***.15 and initially thought that changing the masquerading rule to point to the new WAN (named WWAN) would work... and of course it didn't as apparently Multipath rules is the way to achieve this.
Well configuring Multipath rules is less than intuitive for me so I am unsure what rules I need, and also unsure if there is any changes needed in my masquerading rules.
config should be pretty straight forward as WLAN (eth 0) traffic should be routed out on my WWAN port (eth 3) and LAN (eth 2) traffic should continue to be routed out on the original WAN (eth 1) port.
Thanks in advance for any help.