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Site-to-Site VPN stopped working

Hi all,
i hope someone can help me.
I have set up an IPsec VPN between 2 UTMs Version 9.004-33.
I use RSA-Key identification.
The tunnel worked fine but after rebooting one of them tunnel does not come up anymore.

FW1 has a dynamic IP:
remote GW: initiate connection
GW IP: x.x.x.x (static)
VPN-ID-Type Hostname: FW1

FW2 has a static IP:
remote GW: respond only
VPN-ID-Type Hostname: FW1

Name: VPN-01
encryption algorithm: AES-128

In the live LOG I get the following messages:

11:21-16:24:54 homegate ipsec_starter[14226]: Starting strongSwan 4.4.1git20100610 IPsec [starter]...
2012:11:21-16:24:55 homegate pluto[14233]: Starting IKEv1 pluto daemon (strongSwan 4.4.1git20100610) THREADS VENDORID CISCO_QUIRKS
2012:11:21-16:24:55 homegate pluto[14233]: loaded plugins: curl ldap aes des blowfish serpent twofish sha1 sha2 md5 random x509 pubkey pkcs1 pgp dnskey pem sqlite hmac gmp xauth attr attr-sql resolve
2012:11:21-16:24:55 homegate pluto[14233]: including NAT-Traversal patch (Version 0.6c)
2012:11:21-16:24:55 homegate pluto[14233]: Using Linux 2.6 IPsec interface code
2012:11:21-16:24:55 homegate ipsec_starter[14232]: pluto (14233) started after 20 ms
2012:11:21-16:24:55 homegate pluto[14233]: loading ca certificates from '/etc/ipsec.d/cacerts'
2012:11:21-16:24:55 homegate pluto[14233]: loaded ca certificate from '/etc/ipsec.d/cacerts/VPN Signing CA.pem'
2012:11:21-16:24:55 homegate pluto[14233]: loaded ca certificate from '/etc/ipsec.d/cacerts/VPN Signing CA (Wed Nov 21 14:38:40 2012).pem'
2012:11:21-16:24:55 homegate pluto[14233]: loading aa certificates from '/etc/ipsec.d/aacerts'
2012:11:21-16:24:55 homegate pluto[14233]: loading ocsp certificates from '/etc/ipsec.d/ocspcerts'
2012:11:21-16:24:55 homegate pluto[14233]: Changing to directory '/etc/ipsec.d/crls'
2012:11:21-16:24:55 homegate pluto[14233]: loading attribute certificates from '/etc/ipsec.d/acerts'
2012:11:21-16:24:55 homegate pluto[14233]: listening for IKE messages
2012:11:21-16:24:55 homegate pluto[14233]: adding interface eth2/eth2
2012:11:21-16:24:55 homegate pluto[14233]: adding interface eth2/eth2
2012:11:21-16:24:55 homegate pluto[14233]: adding interface eth1/eth1
2012:11:21-16:24:55 homegate pluto[14233]: adding interface eth1/eth1
2012:11:21-16:24:55 homegate pluto[14233]: adding interface eth0/eth0
2012:11:21-16:24:55 homegate pluto[14233]: adding interface eth0/eth0
2012:11:21-16:24:55 homegate pluto[14233]: adding interface lo/lo
2012:11:21-16:24:55 homegate pluto[14233]: adding interface lo/lo
2012:11:21-16:24:55 homegate pluto[14233]: adding interface lo/lo ::1:500
2012:11:21-16:24:55 homegate pluto[14233]: loading secrets from "/etc/ipsec.secrets"
2012:11:21-16:24:55 homegate pluto[14233]: added connection description "S_VPN-01"
2012:11:21-16:24:55 homegate pluto[14233]: "S_VPN-01" #1: initiating Main Mode
2012:11:21-16:24:55 homegate pluto[14233]: added connection description "S_VPN-01"
2012:11:21-16:24:55 homegate pluto[14233]: "S_VPN-01" #1: received Vendor ID payload [strongSwan]
2012:11:21-16:24:55 homegate pluto[14233]: "S_VPN-01" #1: ignoring Vendor ID payload [Cisco-Unity]
2012:11:21-16:24:55 homegate pluto[14233]: "S_VPN-01" #1: received Vendor ID payload [XAUTH]
2012:11:21-16:24:55 homegate pluto[14233]: "S_VPN-01" #1: received Vendor ID payload [Dead Peer Detection]
2012:11:21-16:24:55 homegate pluto[14233]: "S_VPN-01" #1: received Vendor ID payload [RFC 3947]
2012:11:21-16:24:55 homegate pluto[14233]: "S_VPN-01" #1: enabling possible NAT-traversal with method 3
2012:11:21-16:24:55 homegate pluto[14233]: "S_VPN-01" #1: NAT-Traversal: Result using RFC 3947: i am NATed
2012:11:21-16:24:55 homegate pluto[14233]: "S_VPN-01" #1: we don't have a cert
2012:11:21-16:25:05 homegate pluto[14233]: "S_VPN-01" #1: discarding duplicate packet; already STATE_MAIN_I3
11:21-16:25:25 homegate pluto[14233]: "S_VPN-01" #1: discarding duplicate packet; already STATE_MAIN_I3
2012:11:21-16:26:05 homegate pluto[14233]: "S_VPN-01" #1: max number of retransmissions (2) reached STATE_MAIN_I3. Possible authentication failure: no acceptable response to our first encrypted message



2012:11:21-16:24:55 maingate pluto[7579]: packet from x.x.112.232:56693: ignoring Vendor ID payload [Cisco-Unity]
2012:11:21-16:24:55 maingate pluto[7579]: packet from x.x.112.232:56693: received Vendor ID payload [XAUTH]
2012:11:21-16:24:55 maingate pluto[7579]: packet from x.x.112.232:56693: received Vendor ID payload [Dead Peer Detection]
2012:11:21-16:24:55 maingate pluto[7579]: packet from x.x.112.232:56693: received Vendor ID payload [RFC 3947]
2012:11:21-16:24:55 maingate pluto[7579]: packet from x.x.112.232:56693: ignoring Vendor ID payload [draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-03]
2012:11:21-16:24:55 maingate pluto[7579]: packet from x.x.112.232:56693: ignoring Vendor ID payload [draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-02]
2012:11:21-16:24:55 maingate pluto[7579]: packet from x.x.112.232:56693: ignoring Vendor ID payload [draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-02_n]
2012:11:21-16:24:55 maingate pluto[7579]: packet from x.x.112.232:56693: ignoring Vendor ID payload [draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-00]
2012:11:21-16:24:55 maingate pluto[7579]: "S_VPN-01"[2] x.x.112.232:56693 #2: responding to Main Mode from unknown peer x.x.112.232:56693
2012:11:21-16:24:55 maingate pluto[7579]: "S_VPN-01"[2] x.x.112.232:56693 #2: NAT-Traversal: Result using RFC 3947: peer is NATed
2012:11:21-16:26:05 maingate pluto[7579]: "S_VPN-01"[2] x.x.112.232:56693 #2: max number of retransmissions (2) reached STATE_MAIN_R2
2012:11:21-16:26:05 maingate pluto[7579]: "S_VPN-01"[2] x.x.112.232:56693: deleting connection "S_VPN-01"[2] instance with peer x.x.112.232 {isakmp=#0/ipsec=#0}

If you need any further information just let me know.

Thank you for your help,


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