my AP10 is running now nearly a year without any problems. But now with no changes made it quits service by time to time. Can the hardware be defect now?
The log shows repetedly that "sysread failed" and the AP beginns to reconnect. The query over the last 30 days show me, that it happened by chance in the biginning of this month, then twice on dec.23 and now continuously since yesterday.
I rebooted the ASG, the AP10 several times, pushed reset button on AP10, deleted the AP10 and rejoined it. Anything else, I can do or does it seem to be a hardware fault?
my AP10 is running now nearly a year without any problems. But now with no changes made it quits service by time to time. Can the hardware be defect now?
The log shows repetedly that "sysread failed" and the AP beginns to reconnect. The query over the last 30 days show me, that it happened by chance in the biginning of this month, then twice on dec.23 and now continuously since yesterday.
I rebooted the ASG, the AP10 several times, pushed reset button on AP10, deleted the AP10 and rejoined it. Anything else, I can do or does it seem to be a hardware fault?