asg110 shutting down
Hi: we have a client that have one asg110 and one software appliance. Yesterday the asg110 shutdown few times. We found this in the log : 2012:06:02-21:19:09 eco-asg ulogd[5489]: SIGHUP received...
View Article[8.960][Bug] Quarantine Report not rendering under Outlook Web App
Hi I just noticed when using MS Outlook Web App from SBS server 2012, clicking on a Quarantine Report, that the page doesn't display properly. I suspect that this may also be tied into the IE9 Windows...
View Article[8.960] Quarantine Report not rendering under Outlook Web App
Hi I just noticed when using MS Outlook Web App from SBS server 2012, clicking on a Quarantine Report, that the page doesn't display properly. I suspect that this may also be tied into the IE9 Windows...
View Article[8.965-7] Unable to Download PDF from a website
I ran into a frustrating issue today - unable to access certain files while using the 8.965-7 beta. I was trying to open the PDF file at the link below and even after trying from different computers, I...
View Article[8.965] Unable to Download PDF from a website
I ran into a frustrating issue today - unable to access certain files while using the 8.965-7 beta. I was trying to open the PDF file at the link below and even after trying from different computers, I...
View ArticleDNS based host objects lookup failure
Hi We configured all our hosts as dns host objects. All NAT and fw rules based on these dns host objects. We have a forwarder pool (Availability Group) with two internal name servers (Zone with...
View ArticleSMTP Proxy in Bridge Mode
Hello, after posting my question to the German forum (without answers) i try my best here: i have just installed my Astaro 110 in bridge mode with the firewall policy Any/Any/Any :) I can access the...
View ArticleRoute Host Traffic over Additional Public IP Adress
Hello, i run Astaro 8.301 and i would need all traffic of a host in my internal net to be routet through a addinational wan ip. I aready set up the additional wan ip and have dnat running to forward...
View Article[8.965][BUG] openvpn selfmonitoring missing
There is no openvpn selfmonitoring entry at /etc/selfmonng.d/. If the daemon has a problem and won't start (again) than you have to disable and enable the daemon within webadmin or do a...
View Article[8.965][OPEN] Can't install Endpoint client
Hi, I can't install the sophos utm client on my windows 7 x64 laptop. I have the setup logs attached. Cleared temp with CCleaner rebooted, still no luck :) Can you help find out what it is? Attached...
View ArticleASG 8.304 Userportal
In the configuration settings at the advanced tab in userportal there is no APPLY or OK Button anymore in Version 8.304. Has anybody else discovered this issue?
View Article[8.965] PPPoE and link balancing
Tonight after the midnight rollover the IPv4 gateway failed, the UTM decided it should automatically enable uplink balancing - Major bug. Causes the other link to drop out then nothing worked. The IPv4...
View Article[8.965][CLOSED] PPPoE and link balancing
Tonight after the midnight rollover the IPv4 gateway failed, the UTM decided it should automatically enable uplink balancing - Major bug. Causes the other link to drop out then nothing worked. The IPv4...
View ArticleLoad Balancing and how to disable client persistence
Hi all, we have an ASG 8.x with 1 interface uplink (lets say "Internet") and 1 interface downlink (internal network). We defined a load balancing service (generic tcp port 23500, warehouse system) and...
View ArticleRED 10 (rev 2) to ASG220 (8.304)
Problem in connecting a RED10 (Rev 2) to our ASG220 (firmware: 8.304). I've configured the RED using the RED Management->[Server] Deployment Helper. I've made sure that our ASG Hostname is reachable...
View ArticleAstaro UTM - Konfiguration möglich - Anzahl NICS
Hallo, ich versuche mich gerade in das Thema Astaro ein wenig einzuarbeiten und habe mir für meine Netzwerktopologie eine Aufbau mit insgesamt 5 separaten Vlans vorgestellt. Die ASTARO soll als...
View ArticleCan't download ACC today
Hi, I can't download ACC as I get a Sophos error message that says MyAstaro Maintenance is down and will be up on 6/4/2012. Any idea if this is coming up anytime soon?
View ArticleHow to creating a DMZ network adapter?
Hi guys, for my home design network. With ASG I will be having three NICs, external, internal and the third I want it as DMZ. I want also if possible to guarantee a specified amount of bandwidth for...
View ArticleProxy server srcport=8080 drops
I have a Sophos Console Station behind an Astaro with HA support and everything. Astaro is and it's also running a proxy, Sophos is and it's going thru the proxy to get new...
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