ASG 8.306 available?
Hello! I´ve just seen, that the new 8.306 is available: Some Informations??
View ArticleHA Knoten austauschen
Hallo, Astaro ASG 425 (8.305) im HA active - passive unser slave hat den Geist aufgegeben und die Ersatzmaschine ist schon geliefert. Muss ich den Knoten zuerst entfernen und wieder hinzufügen oder...
View ArticleVoip Registrations not registering after Patch Install and Reboot
Hello Guys, I have installed the recent up2date to 9.002012. Now I like to know whether there is a newer information regarding this thread. Please don't be annoyed with me for opening a new thread, but...
View ArticleCOMCAST 100 MEG Bandwidth downgrade
I'm testing UTM9 Software on a DELL OPTIPLEX GX520 PC, P4, 3M RAM, and a COMCAST Business connection of 100M Down / 10M Up. Download speeds are measureing only 33M down instead of 60M and higher. Is...
View ArticleASG 220 - 7.511 - Vulnerability Scan - PCI Compliance
As part of our migration to a new credit card processing service - the vendor required a Vulnerability Scan to be run against our firewall (ASG 220 - 7.511). The ASG almost escaped unscathed - other...
View ArticleEin Netzwerk an eine Schnittstelle zuordnen
Hallo zusammen Bei einem Netzwerk-Objekt gibt es ja die die Erweiterte-Einstellung "Schnittstelle". In der Hilfe steht nur soviel: Schnittstelle (optional): Die Netzwerkdefinition kann an eine...
View ArticleFrom ClearOS to Sophos UTM Home Edition
Currently I use ClearOS 5.2 which is a bit old, as my home gateway. Since version 6 seems unfinished, and I accidentally found out that Sophos has similar free product, I'm curious if someone replaced...
View ArticleBenachrichtigungen
Hallo, bei der 220 will ich Benachrichtigungen und Fehler nur an interne Mailadresse (support@xyz.local) versenden. Macht die Kiste aber nicht sondern erst wenn ich ( zusätzlich...
View Article2x Internes Lan Problem
Hallo. Ich hab eine Astaro V8 auf einem ESXi laufen. Diese läuft sehr brav. Jetzt habe ich am ESXi ein weiteres Netz und möchte dies natürlich mit der Astaro auch Routen können. Die Astaro hat eine...
View ArticleLimit concurrent IPSEC VPN / IPSEC SSL
Hy! I am looking for a solution working with up to 2.500 concurrent IPSEC VPN Tunnels. Is this even possible with an Astaro Box? I think the best choice is to use the software version (unlimited...
View ArticlePoor Wireless Signal - AP10s
We have a client where we installed a UTM120 v5 (the new units) in his office with a single AP10. Because it worked so well, the client wanted use to install a similar setup at his home. We get another...
View ArticleASG Up2Date 8.306 Soft-Released
Releases all over! This time I come to you with ASG 8.306 in hand. In addition to dozens of bugfixes, we are also using this release to allow our Hardware Appliance users to join the UTM 9 train....
View ArticleIPSec S2S - Need to route internet traffic out far side of the VPN for one...
Hi, all... Long subject; apologies. Facts: ASG v8 on both sides of the connection IPSec VPN / RSA keys Multiple internal nets on each side of the VPN Problem: Need to route traffic from one internal...
View ArticleSophos with only one NIC
Hello all, I already searched this forum top to bottom and couldn't find an answer to my question. I installed sophos on my machine and I have three network cards. However, we already have a router...
View ArticleReset Licence Active IP's
Hello. By mistake, DHCP server assigned ip addresses to a number of computers, exceeding this way astaro licensed users. Ι removed this machine from the network but dhcp displays these leases and...
View ArticleVMware Nic Order
Hi All I'm having a problem with having a number of Astaro images on a VMWare box that is fitted with 6 nic's. 2x Intel 82578DM Onboard and 1x I350 4 port adapter. In the VMware Console it shows on the...
View ArticleUTM9 Endpoint Perfomance
Guten Morgen, gestern ist uns aufgefallen das bei einem Arbeitzplatz das Speichern von z.B. pdf's und Excel dateien auf den Netlaufwerk teilweise gut 30-40 sek. vergehen. Habe zum eingrenzen die...
View ArticleDriver Installation
Hi, I´m new here.. :-) Is it possible, to install a driver for a USB-WLAN-Stick, RT5370 from RALink onto Sophos UTM9? :)
View Articleclosing port 6881
Hello, since today we got a lot of 11:38:59 Default DROP Bittorrent : 37666 → ***x : 6881 every second new drops comes into the log. so is it possible to close, deactivate this port 6881?...
View ArticleHow to use the cloud cffs instead of memory
Hi folks, I currently use the memory setup and the closest CFFS is 10 with between 70 and 120ms. I would like to try the cloud version to see if that is any quicker and what other affects it might...
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