Server logs WAF IP address in Apache error/access logs
I have Astaro 8.3 running in amazon EC2 with WAF configured and working well, however, I need Astaro to pass the clients IP address with the request to the backend server. We use the client IP address...
View ArticleHow to block
Hi, I have set up the proxy in transparent mode, blocking using url filtering 'Games'. I also have set up time based Proxy profiles that block access to internet. Everything but is working as it...
View ArticleBind not available on multipath
I am trying to create a multipath rule that pushes SMTP traffic out a particular interface. I found this article: but on our firewall I don't see...
View ArticleASG Availability?
Does anyone know if there's a way to run a report and generate outage data? I'm trying to find out how often one of my ASGs lost its Internet connection during a couple of days to help the ISP's tech...
View ArticleQos für einzelne Sessions
Hallo liebe Gemeinde, ich bin auf der Suche nach folgenden: Wenn einzelne User im Netzwerk einen großen Download starten, blockieren diese sehr schnell unsere 16 Mbit/s Leitung. Wie kann ich einzelnen...
View ArticleRED als Bridge langsamer als normal
Hallo, Wenn ich ein RED nicht als einzelne Schnittstelle sonder als Mitglied einer Bridge betreibe, gehen die Übertragungsraten total in den Keller. Ich habe schon ein wenig gesucht, aber noch keine...
View ArticleStatistics Traffic (per rule)
Is there any accessible statistics in the ASG to see the traffic that was generated for a specific rule? Since last reboot/day/week/anything? Or maybe some statistics per interface/tcp port if the...
View Articlevmware ESXI networking
Hello , i have installed esxi 5 with 2 physical nic (intel ) please check the image to understand my present asg and dmz and ap and wan setup i want to integrade all thing in one box i have installed...
View ArticleMix of ADSL and VDSL Interfaces
Dear Forums, I searched thru some older topics, but seems this problem wasn't solved back when those threads were created. Situation: I have two uplink devices with ADSL, which do run fine. I have a...
View ArticleVDSL -> Fritz!Box 7390 -> ASG 120 -> 3 Server/NAS/Dienste
Hallo Zusammen, ich überlegen gerade ein Astaro Gataway zu kaufen, da diese nun reversproxy unterstützen vielleicht hat jemand Tipps für mich, wie ich die Geschichte am besten aufstelle. Zu meiner...
View Article8.300 GA Static DNS entries not working?
I have seen this on two different ASG120 units at clients. Running 8.300 GA all static DNS entries set under Network Services->DNS->Static Entries fail to resolve after upgrading to 8.3. Has...
View Articleapple privatfreigaben über Wlan brechen ab
Hallo, das Problem gibt es wohl auch mit anderen Wlan-Routern aber hat hier jemand zufällig einen Tip? Privarfreigaben per Kabel funktionieren ohne Probleme stabil aber per Wlan gibt es massive...
View ArticleCloud Sigma Support
Does anyone know if Astaro software ASG is compatible with Cloud Sigma? I tried the trial and loading the ISO image and it didn't seem to work. I know amazon is supported but I like the structure of...
View ArticleVerschlüsselung der Festplatte
Hi, ich hab mal ein paar ungewöhnliche Fragen. Verschlüsselt der Astaro seine Daten? Wenn Ja, Wie? Oder macht es überhaupt keinen Sinn? Ergibt sich überhaupt ein Sicherheits Plus wenn eine...
View ArticleSchedule install not working.
Hi I have some notice that schedule install of up2date is not working in software or hardware installations. I've tried schedule install, in a fresh and in an "old" software installation from 8.202 to...
View ArticleEmail encryprion
Hi All It seems that I am able to send encrypted email to users even though their certificate has expired. Apart from manually removing the specific certificate for the user, are there any plans for v9...
View ArticleFailover IPSEC (Site-to-site) load-balance
Hi Dear Support/User I have problem with configuration load balancing with 2 IPSEC tunnel I have 2 site with 2 deference up-link i established IPSEC connection with astaro gateway security with 2 Cisco...
View ArticleAutomated Reimage?
I'm trying to reimage my 220 with the v8.3 hardware iso but every time I boot up the 220 with the USB disc drive I get to a screen asking me to hit "enter" to continue installation. I've tried plugging...
View ArticleUp2Date Twitter Feed Please
Attn Astaro: Please create an up2date twitter feed where only Astaro updates are tweeted - like the blog page. No offense, but there are many of us who only want to know when an update is available and...
View ArticleDownload Manager
Hallo, wenn man sich Dateien aus dem Internet herunter lädt kommt hin und wieder der "Download Manager" ich meine die ASTAROS eigene Seite, wo der Download-Fortschritt zu sehen ist...
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