Installation Problem / PC + VM
Hi dears, When trying to install UTM 9 and UTM 9 Home Edition into a DELL PC or Virtual Machine with the iso files, i got an error message (Attached picture) Please Help me to complete installation...
View ArticleNortel IPsec problem
Hi; I want to do Nortel VPN Router to IPsec VPN between ASG 625 , but I get the following error message. packet from ****:500: unsupported exchange type ISAKMP_XCHG_AGGR in message 2013:08:13-11:13:16...
View Article9.104-17 ftp listing in browser causes "Cannot allocate memory"
Hello, I'm wondering why I cannot find astaro/sophos related information about this Cannot allocate memory problem anywhere, so I decided to make it public in this forum. Perhaps others have this...
View ArticleEnd to Site to Site or: How to?
Hello everyone, I am planning to do a classic scenario, however, the FAQ and KBs don't help me at all. My idea is as this Code: My Laptop --- VPN (L2TP) ---- my UTM ====== IPSec ==== my friend's UTM...
View ArticleQOS over VPN ?
Hello, I'am trying to make QOS over a Site to site VPN, but it seem that it doesnt work. Without VPN QOS is working correctly. Our local Sophos Support Partner thinks that QOS over VPN does work. On...
View Articlevpn wierd error
Hi team ! when i am connecting to my astaro vpn server . it is giving following error. there is already a user connected to this session and sessoin sharing is not allowed i m not sure how to trouble...
View ArticleIE10 - User Portal
Hallo Zusammen, wir nutzen im Haus den IE10 unter Win 7. Es wird kein Login Fenster im User Portal geladen. Die Titelleiste wird geladen und der Throbber dreht seine Runden. Aber es kommt kein Login....
View Articleoutgoing mail to IBM marked as SPAM (confirmed)
9.104-17 Started this morning. Any mail that any internal user sends to is coming back immediately as undeliverable. I looked in the SMTP log and it shows rejected from our exchange server...
View ArticleFirewall: MS-RPC filtering / UUID
Is there any way in Sophos UTM Network Protection Firewall to identify, and either permit or reject MS-RPC traffic? I'm not talking about RPC over HTTP, but a regular RPC traffic (destination port:...
View Articlecallout not working anymore?
9.104-17 A few weeks ago I moved from UTM 8 to a new pair of appliances running UTM9. The only real difference in my configuration is that I now use the UTM9 to filter the outgoing as well as incoming....
View ArticleInbound traffic with dual wan
Hi, currently i'm using a leased line with a /24 public ip-subnet. these ips are configured as additional addresses on the external interface and then dnatted to internal servers. Sounds common for me....
View Articleloggin issues
Hi all , recently we have installed a cluster of Astaro 625 and ware happy to migrate from previous firewall. However after one month we face issues when loggin in to the firewall 1) it says " please...
View ArticleInteresse an Sophos RED, noch eine Frage offen
Hallo! derzeit lebe ich noch bei meinen Eltern. Da ich aber in der nächsten Zeit vor habe mir eine eigene Wohnung zu suchen bin ich auf der Suche nach einer geeigneten Lösung um beide Standorte zu...
View ArticleAstaro Virtual Appliance
Hello. Looking to find some information on the virtual appliance for vmware vsphere esx server. Couple of quesitons right of the bat. First, how does the internet connection work? Do you need a...
View ArticleWhat is normal Exchange 2010 Receive Connector setup for UTM?
How should your receive connector be setup in Exchange 2010 for typical UTM 9 deployment? See 4 pictures attached. Is that best practice and correct? only port 25 or should I add 587? should the HELO...
View ArticlePort Forwarding site traffic over VPN
Hi All, I've been working on accomplishing something the last couple days and I'm not having much luck. I've looked over the forums and found somewhat similar issues, but none of them seem to really...
View ArticleLive Log not working
Since my upgrade to UTM9 the Live Log for the Firewall is not working. I get the display as normal and Autoscroll is selected but nothing is being displayed. I have tried Chrome/Firefox/IE and all of...
View ArticleWebAdmin Roles - Add Users and groups
Hello everyone, I am currently restricting access to our firewall. Nevertheless our IT support needs to be able to add users/groups so that they can configure Remote Access for users. I added a role...
View ArticleUse UTM Waf feature to do reverse proxy for lync
Hello, I am planning to try to configure the Web server protection feature of one UTM to do reverse proxy for LYNC 2013 products. Does anyone already tried this type of configuration? Is it...
View ArticleAuthentifizierung Domänenumstellung
Hallo Zusammen, wir wechseln demnächst unsere Anmeldedomäne. Die UTM steht aktuell in der noch aktiven Domäne und authentifiziert per AD SSO. Primär geht es in diesem Fall um die Web Protection. Per...
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