[8.900] Hotspot -consistency across informational messages
Hi All It seems that there is a new informational message that is not appearing in any other relevant "error" situation (attached) I think that the notification/error/warning messages should be...
View Article[8.900] Hotspot Feature requests
Hi All 1)It would be great if the email sent out to the user (when you select password of the Day) doesn't have the following information as subject email <name of the ASG> [INFO-601] I don't see...
View Article[8.900] Hotspot - password sent the wrong time to user
Hi All It seems that the email sent to the user is not at the time specified on the configuration You can replicate by 1)Enable hotspot and select password of the Day 2)Select any time you desire and...
View Articletoo many wireless clients
It seems that the Wireless Status page has some caching issus or so. In the past i saw 5-10 devices max at peaks. Currently i see 28 clients, which is way more than i have active 1) can there be a...
View Article[8.900] Number of Voucher created
Hi All I know that a user would not create so many vouchers but couldn't resist :D Thanks Attached Images Untitled.png (38.6 KB)
View ArticleDepartmental Web Reporting
Is it planned in this release to allow the selection of Groups when setting up Departmental Definitions? At present and in 8.3 we need to individually add users instead of being able to use an AD group...
View ArticleSSL VPN assigns wrong gateway
Due to some network reconfiguration I changed the IP address of my firewall today (from to I have been able to get everything up and running with one exception, my ssl vpn....
View ArticleQoS on bridge in 8.301
I've noticed in a few other threads that QoS on V8 bridge mode doesn't work and requires a patch. I don't have a support package with any resellers so who would I contact to try and get this patch?
View Article[8.900] Clientless VPN SSH connection type requires username
When I attempt to leave the Username field blank (WITHOUT automatic login checked) for the SSH connection type for the Clientless SSL VPN, I am prompted with the following error message: The clientless...
View Article[8.900] WAF error messages
Hi All I am trying to connect to the exact same website via 8.301 and 8.900. It seems that on version 8.900 I am getting quite a few errors like the one below Code: 2012:03:17-14:18:42 *****...
View ArticleuTorrent Remote with ASG 8
Hello, I'm trying to get uTorrent Remote v3.1.3 working with Astaro Security Gateway 8.301. All it does is saying connecting. I have opened some ports by watching TCPView, still nothing. Evey thing...
View Article[8.900][MYTH] Cosmetic Long URL outside of Margin
Hi All As per pic attached the URL is so long that it's outside the margin Thanks Attached Images Untitled.jpg (34.2 KB)
View Article[8.900] Unblock URL
Hi All If you try to unblock a URL you will get the pic attached. However, if you click login, you get the attached message on the pic which is not correct. For the URL to be unblocked you need correct...
View ArticleBenutzer aus AD auslesen
Hallo, ich suche mir gerade den Wolf oder sehe vor lauter Bäumen den Wald nicht. Momentan surfen die User im Standard-Mode. Nun möchte ich im AD Gruppen anlegen (z.B Internetzugriff Allgemein,...
View Article[8.900][QUESTION] IPv6 on external WAN
Hi Im using Sophos UTM beta 8.900 When i plug my computer directly to my cable modem, i got an IPv6 address. I can also surf to "IPv6 only Websites". But if i plug in the Sophos UTM 9, i don't get an...
View Articlecontent filter or just url blocker
Guys I would like to know is Astaro a true content filter like Websense or does all it do is block sites based off of a block list. For example, I will talk about Youtube lets say you go search for...
View ArticleRoute VPN traffic to another internal subnet
ASG 120 running 8.301 I have a PPTP VPN set up using the pre-configured PPTP IP pool. The users are able to connect and can browse the internal LAN ( We have a router in place for a MPLS...
View ArticleHow to get Apple App store to work
Do anyone have their ipads working on Astaro 8,301 with scan https enable I am unable to get the ipads and apple tv to work, you can get to the movies and shows but cannot download or even preview...
View Article[8.900] Sophos endpoint not detected via outlook 2007,2010
Hi All It seems that the sophos endpoint is not "seen" via the outlook client and it seems that the system has not antivirus (attached) Thanks Attached Images antivirus.png (24.8 KB)
View Article[8.900][QUESTION] Paravirtualization support
hi I noticed higher CPU load on my vmware server host since using UTM9 beta. Is paravirtualization not supported on the new system/kernel. regards gnjb
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