iPhone Configuration Utility 3.5 (on Mac OS X 10.7.4) reports an error when opening the .mobileconfig file created by ASG 8.305 via the User Portal under Remote Access >> iOS device configuration:
The profile "VPN Configuration" contains entries that cannot be managed by iPhone Configuration Utility. Entry: OverridePrimary, Value: 1.
Two screenshots have been uploaded.
If you need the original .mobileconfig file that creates this issue, please let me know.
iPhone Configuration Utility 3.5 (on Mac OS X 10.7.4) reports an error when opening the .mobileconfig file created by ASG 8.305 via the User Portal under Remote Access >> iOS device configuration:
The profile "VPN Configuration" contains entries that cannot be managed by iPhone Configuration Utility. Entry: OverridePrimary, Value: 1.
Two screenshots have been uploaded.
If you need the original .mobileconfig file that creates this issue, please let me know.