Hello guys,
following setup:
Internal Network: 10.50.xx.0/24
Internal IP: 10.50.xx.29
External Network: 10.50.yy.0/26
External IP: 10.50.xx.16
External GW: 10.50.xx.2
The ASG should act as a router - no NAT required.
I have only rules for allowed incoming services like smtp etc. but i cannot get incoming ICMP ping to work. It is getting blocked by fwrule="0":
I have setup a rule allowing from 10.50.yy.0/26 service ping to 10.50.xx.0/24 but pings from outside to my internal network are dropped by the above rule.
Can anyone enlighten me?
following setup:
Internal Network: 10.50.xx.0/24
Internal IP: 10.50.xx.29
External Network: 10.50.yy.0/26
External IP: 10.50.xx.16
External GW: 10.50.xx.2
The ASG should act as a router - no NAT required.
I have only rules for allowed incoming services like smtp etc. but i cannot get incoming ICMP ping to work. It is getting blocked by fwrule="0":
2012:10:16-07:38:16 gw-rat01 ulogd[4721]: id="2001" severity="info" sys="SecureNet" sub="packetfilter" name="Packet dropped" action="drop" fwrule="0" initf="eth1" outitf="eth0" srcmac="bla" dstmac="bla" srcip="10.50.yy.17" dstip="10.50.xx.104" proto="1" length="60" tos="0x00" prec="0x00" ttl="125" type="8" code="0"
Can anyone enlighten me?