is there a schedule about which features from the EndUser Software are going to be implemented into EndPoint?
I am interessted in the patch deployment (in German "Bedrohungsbasierte Patch-Analyse"). Since I am using EndPoint on all PCs in our network behind our UTM I am not going to install EndUser of course. However, we need a patch deployment software.
The Question is: Shell I wait until it is available in EndPoint anyway or look for another software?
Thanks in Advance and Regards,
is there a schedule about which features from the EndUser Software are going to be implemented into EndPoint?
I am interessted in the patch deployment (in German "Bedrohungsbasierte Patch-Analyse"). Since I am using EndPoint on all PCs in our network behind our UTM I am not going to install EndUser of course. However, we need a patch deployment software.
The Question is: Shell I wait until it is available in EndPoint anyway or look for another software?
Thanks in Advance and Regards,