I have a very strange problem with IPv6 here.
On Monday i added AAAA records for all domains on one of our servers. Everything works just fine. Tested it from home over FreeNet6 tunnel broker and from ipv6-test.com .
Yesterday i started to add the records for a second server. Both servers are virtual environments on the same OpenVZ hardware node.
On this second server i'm not able to get it work over IPv6 from home (UTM9).
- DNS is fine
- Firewall rules are fine
- Test from ipv6-test.com is fine
- I can connect to servers IPv6 address by telnet and request the index site
- Clearead any cache i found at least 100 times since yesterday
- Tried different browsers and clients
The fist server still works fine, everything over IPv6. The second always over IPv4 only...
Web Protection log shows my this error on every request to the second server:
DNS logs don't show anything special.
First thought it's the Web Protection itself, but disabling Web Protection does't change the behavior. Still can access the websites on the first server, but not the ones on the second server (it falls back to IPv4).
I have no idea what else that could be because it works fine from ipv6-test.com and over manual telnet.
Maybe someone else with IPv6 access can test that too?
Site on the first Server (which works fine over IPv6):
Whity's Blog: Blog ( IPv6 test - web site reachability )
Site on the second server (which doesn't work, falls back to IPv4):
Starseite ( IPv6 test - web site reachability )
Does it work from you network (through IPv6 of course...)
Forgot to say that it also works fine within the internal network in our office...
Thank you
On Monday i added AAAA records for all domains on one of our servers. Everything works just fine. Tested it from home over FreeNet6 tunnel broker and from ipv6-test.com .
Yesterday i started to add the records for a second server. Both servers are virtual environments on the same OpenVZ hardware node.
On this second server i'm not able to get it work over IPv6 from home (UTM9).
- DNS is fine
- Firewall rules are fine
- Test from ipv6-test.com is fine
- I can connect to servers IPv6 address by telnet and request the index site
- Clearead any cache i found at least 100 times since yesterday
- Tried different browsers and clients
The fist server still works fine, everything over IPv6. The second always over IPv4 only...
Web Protection log shows my this error on every request to the second server:
2012:03:22-14:40:17 whity httpproxy[16309]: id="0003" severity="info" sys="SecureWeb" sub="http" request="0x92d4760" function="connect_server" file="dns.c" line="957" message="bind: Address family not supported by protocol"
First thought it's the Web Protection itself, but disabling Web Protection does't change the behavior. Still can access the websites on the first server, but not the ones on the second server (it falls back to IPv4).
I have no idea what else that could be because it works fine from ipv6-test.com and over manual telnet.
Maybe someone else with IPv6 access can test that too?
Site on the first Server (which works fine over IPv6):
Whity's Blog: Blog ( IPv6 test - web site reachability )
Site on the second server (which doesn't work, falls back to IPv4):
Starseite ( IPv6 test - web site reachability )
Does it work from you network (through IPv6 of course...)
Forgot to say that it also works fine within the internal network in our office...
Thank you