[8.910] User Portal cosmetics
Hi All There are two issues as per attached pic 1) There is a cosmetic where it says "white &: black" , there is an extra ":" that shouldn't be there 2)The new functionality (i.e hotspots ,HTML5...
View Article[8.910] [FEATURE] User portal change password
Hi All I would like to suggest displaying a message to the user if the new password is the same as the old password. This is exactly what most of the products offer at the moment Thanks Attached Images...
View ArticleAdditional IP addresses
I recently added some static IP addresses to my Astaro as Additional IP addresses. These IP addreses are from BT, when I try to use these addresses for OWA they do not seem to be working. Any ideas ?
View Article[8.910][DUPE] strange wlan-client view
Hi there, dunno if its a dupe, but maybe not :) Look at the picture, i can't change names of existing wlan-clients. The first entry looks verry strange... What informations could i provide? Robert used...
View ArticleTarget Service not allowed
Hallo, ich habe das Problem, dass beim Aufrufen einer PDF-Datei die Seite mit der Meldung "Target service not allowed" beendet wird. FTP Proxy ist deaktiviert, in der URL-Filterung ist die Website...
View Article[8.910] Firewall rules cosmetics
When you have a large number of firewall rules (packetfilter) with the current color scheme, it is not readable anymore. All the names are to close to each other to read it easely. also when use use...
View Article[8.910] Indeterminate system
Hi, this morning at 0645 I tried to get my freenet6 tunnel on the Sydney server working again. Gave up and used the authenticated server which gives me a different IPv6 range and gateway. From then on...
View Article[8.910][OPEN] RED Rev1 keeps restarting with Errno: 100
Hi, I have 2 reds on the same DSL line (an Rev0 and an Rev1 - sophos branded) and it seems that the Rev1 keeps rebooting for some reason. the only thing that i can find in logging is the follwing:...
View ArticleLinux IPSEC VPN zu Astaro
Hallo Leute. Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen. Ich möchte von meiner Linux-FW (Debian 6 mit iptables) von zuhause einen Tunnel zu einer Astaro v8 FW herstellen. Auf meiner Linux Box habe ich dazu...
View ArticlePPOE - Bridge - HA Active / Passive
Dear all, Can you help me for theses configuration : Actually I have only one astaro. This astaro interface configuration are : eth0 - LAN eth1 - PPOE I've connected one modem on eth1 in bridge mode....
View ArticleASG with RED
On our ASG i have configured the following Firewall External Interface 74.30.xx.xx RED interface reds1 IPv4 address DHCP server IP range Packet filter rule Red...
View Article[8.910][DUPE] Webadmin user login (active directory) Hash error
When using an active directory user in the webadmin to logon to the webadmin i get the error as shown in the attachment. kind regards Rudie Egberink Attached Images error.PNG (16.3 KB)
View Article[8.910] IPv6 - Address family not supported by protocol
I have a very strange problem with IPv6 here. On Monday i added AAAA records for all domains on one of our servers. Everything works just fine. Tested it from home over FreeNet6 tunnel broker and from...
View ArticleStandard Mode of Web Filtering
We have been having some minor issues with web pages timing out and having to add a lot of exceptions or bank webpages not working with HTTPS scanning in transparent mode set. So I have been reading on...
View ArticleSlow web response w/ some timeouts
I'm seeing some remarkably slow web response with only one user [me]. ASG system is a VM with 4 processors [very limited other uses on hypervisor] 3 GB RAM 0% Swap usage Minimal disk usage Processor...
View Article[8.910] TED Talk streams on iPad
Installed the TED app on my iPad today and wanted to watch some streams. Seems that Web Protection doesn't recognizes the streams of the TED website automatically. The category (Streaming Media,Media...
View ArticleASG blocking Avast AV traffic
Avast had implemented "streaming updates" using buzwords to make basic functionality seem impressive. Nevertheless, my ASG box appears to block some of the traffic coming from machines and I can't...
View ArticleError on Wan Link
Hi All, What is the meaning of error on link (check attachment) and how to find out the cause?? Wan link Connectivity is working fine without FW but if i am putting Link on FW, connectivity is not...
View ArticlePracticality of Country Blocking
With services such as Amazon AWS and similar products how can Country Blocking be used efficiently? Does anyone have any recommendations on how they have implemented this security feature into their...
View Article[8.910]HTML5 VPN doesnt work after update
Hi, after the update to version 8.910 i reenabled all HTML5-VPNs, but didnt test it...until now. None of my 3 configured connection work. I created a new one...same problem. i got the black...
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