D-Link DSL-321B + Astaro IP-Refresh...
Hello there, got a problem with the D-Link DSL-321B DSL-Modem and a Pyramid Hardware-Appliance. The D-Link Modem is connected (online) and holds the account credentials neccessary for auth via PPPoE,...
View ArticleBlockierte Erweiterungen umgehen
Leider hab ich eine Wissenslücke und weiss nicht wie ich blockierte Erweiterungen umgehen kann. Folgendes Szenario: Ich habe keine Active Directory. Alle Benutzer sollen normal surfen können, dürfen...
View ArticleProbleme mit AD/Webfilter nach Update
Hallo zusammen, heute Nacht wurde das Update von 8.301 auf 8.305 bei uns eingespielt und auf einmal funktioniert "nichts" mehr wie vorher. Im AD sind 3 Gruppen für Benutzer angelegt welche der...
View ArticleVirenscanner bremst stark
Ich habe ein weiteres Problem mit unserer ASG220. Die CPU-Last ist ständig bei 80% und der Virenscanner (Einfach) bremst sehr stark. Wenn ich ihn bei FTP einschalte ist der Download einer 10 MB Datei...
View ArticleVerbindung zum ACC
Hallo Zusammen, ich habe schon seit einiger Zeit Probleme eine Astaro unserem ACC hinzuzufügen. Wir haben eine Astaro bei mehreren Kunden im Einsatz. Erst dachte ich es hängt mit der Konfig. Acc...
View ArticleHome License and Endpoint AntiVirus: 0 licenses
Hello, I want to update my Astaro at home to V9, but when I look into my.astaro.com, it says that my license doesn't have any Endpoint AntiVirus licenses. How can I add these without creating a new...
View Article[9.000][ANSWERED] Home License and Endpoint AntiVirus: 0 licenses
Hello, I want to update my Astaro at home to V9, but when I look into my.astaro.com, it says that my license doesn't have any Endpoint AntiVirus licenses. How can I add these without creating a new...
View ArticleSMTP Proxy connection refused
Hi All i have installed the UTM 9 Release and enabled the SMTP Proxy. But i cant connect from the Internet or the local network: Code: connection refused anybody an idea? thanks:)
View ArticleSMTP Proxy connection refused
Hi All i have installed the UTM 9 Release and enabled the SMTP Proxy. But i cant connect from the Internet or the local network: Code: connection refused anybody an idea? thanks:)
View ArticleWeb categorization updates
Does anyone know how often or when Astaro updates the categories from Trusted source? I submitted three sites that have been categorized by Trusted source yesterday. But when I verify them they are...
View ArticleSite 2 Site VPN Gateway Source
I have two ASGs configured with S2S IPSec VPN. I am not using automatic firewall rules because I have different trust zones on each side that need to be able to talk to their equivalent trust zone. I...
View ArticleFull Transparent Mode
Hi all, Hope all is well. I'd like to deploy Sophos UTM in Full Transparent Mode, So what features will be enabled and what features will disabled? Thanks in advance.
View ArticleWindows Updates Fail
Today I noticed that for the last 4 weeks Windows Updates on all our machines (server+clients) failed. We use webfiltering (http+https) and deployed astaro CA-Certificates to all our machines via GOP...
View Article[9.000-8] Reinstall of endpoint protection fails
Hi, got a very strange problem: Few days ago a uninstalled the EP from a client. Yesterday i tried to reinstall, but both installers (thin, thick) showed an error. The thin client tried to configure...
View Article[9.000] Reinstall of endpoint protection fails
Hi, got a very strange problem: Few days ago a uninstalled the EP from a client. Yesterday i tried to reinstall, but both installers (thin, thick) showed an error. The thin client tried to configure...
View ArticleHow does SOCKS work exactly?
The most obvious way to use the SOCKS proxy is when a client behind the firewall wants to create an outgoing connection via the SOCKS proxy when the firewall rules are blocking outgoing connections....
View Articleopenvpn handshake failed
Hi all, I have currently problems setting up the remote access using SSL. I am using ASG 8, latest version. The CAs have been replaced several times, but there is only one CA present as signing CA....
View ArticleASG 220 rev2 and ASG 220 or UTM 220 rev5 difference
Sorry if I post this in wrong forum/post. I just like to know from the expert here, whats the hardware difference of ASG 220 rev2 and ASG Rev5.
View ArticleASG 220 rev2 and ASG 220 or UTM 220 rev5 hardware difference
Sorry if I post this in wrong forum/post. I just like to know from the expert here, whats the hardware difference of ASG 220 rev2 and ASG Rev5.
View ArticleMX record for the smtp-proxy?
I have set up my astaro using the mail name mailgateway.<mydomain>. Sometimes the smtp proxy itsel want to send mail to root@mailgateway.<mydomain>. Since it is impossible to create an...
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