Problems using D-Link DSL-321B
Hello there, we got problems using the dsl-modem (PPPoE) D-Link DSL-321B in "Router"-mode. You can login via webpage and configure the device to act as an "dumb" dsl-modem (=bridge, astaro holds the...
View ArticleHTML5 VPN Speed and Latency
I've got HTML5 VPN setup in a few location now to start testing with my clients. The biggest thing that I've noticed is that RDP and HTML speed and latency is pretty bad. I've tested this on a UTM120,...
View ArticleProbleme auf zweiter DSL Leitung
Hallo zusammen. Ich habe jetzt lange versucht das irgendwie alle 2 Leitungen bei mir Zuhause zum laufen zu kriegen. Aber die zweite DSL 6.000er Leitung von der Telekom macht immer Zicken. Erst habe ich...
View ArticleSigning Ca löschen
Hallo Zusammen, ich habe ein Problem mit einer UTM120 V.8.303 Ich habe vor kurzem ein Signing Ca Zertifikat importiert. Jetzt habe ich das Problem das ich dieses Signing Ca Zertifikat nicht mehr...
View Articlekernel messages just started showing up
astaro 8.305 keep seeing this in the kernel logs host ignores redirect for to this address is my dns server that i use to push changes to godaddy where i...
View ArticleUDP Flood undetected
i have a UDP flood to closed ports firewall detects it as a "Default drop" but in few min recieving that flood, my wan is 100MB used and causes disconnects to all clientes Is it possible to detect the...
View ArticleCache control on the web interface
Hello, It seems there is a small issue with the cache control in the web interface. Specifically, when an installation of Astaro v8 is replaced by UTM 9, several UI element in the web interface aren't...
View ArticleAbsender Benachrichtigung wenn Mail nicht zugestellt werden kann
Hallo, bin seit kurzem mit der Astaro beschäftigt und noch sehr unbedarft. Wenn eine Mail nicht nach Extern zugestellt werden kann bekommt der Absender nach 24 Stunden eine Benachrichtigung: This...
View Articlessh connection through RED
Could you help me a little bit.there is situation: ASG---->RED(proxy)--->Internal network. How to configure asg to let ssh connection through RED to internal network linux machine. used: Network...
View ArticleRoute SMTP traffic for IP
Hi Guys I'm having a problem with one of my ISP's, So I want to route all SMTP traffic going to a certain ip address through one of my internet connections. I have had a look on the firewall but I'm...
View ArticleXen & paravirtualized install?
I understand that PV support was supposedly introduced in v9 - has anyone got it working? I've tried a few times and I can't get Astaro to install in anything other than full HVM. :mad: Any success...
View ArticleSUM VPN failover
i have a ASG with two Uplinks in failover mode and a site to site vpn configuration. In the VPN config i use the Uplink Interfaces for the local Interface. How can i design this with the SUM?
View ArticleAstaro 525 Performance
Hello, I am using an Astaro 525 firewall as a border firewall on a project. We are doing offsite backups through this firewall and have run into performance issues. Through a series of iperf tests...
View ArticleWin 7 Lizenz plötzlich illegal
Hallo, ohne Astaro was unterstellen zu wollen aber seit der Deinstalltion der Endpoint Security ist angeblich meine Windows Lizenz ungülltig. Zufall oder gibt es da ggf. einen Zusammenhang? Gruss
View ArticleExempt PDF from Scanning
When our students are viewing textbooks online @ sites such as Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, the UTM is requiring that the file be downloaded prior to being viewed in the browser. The Acrobat Reader 10 plugin...
View ArticleSSL VPN UTM dd-wrt partially working...
Hey, I have a problem. I've Connected my home UTM with a DD-WRT owned by my brother. (SSL VPN) I have the address range: - subnet My brother has the address...
View ArticleProtection for Windows Server 2012
Hi Any idea when support for Windows server 2012 will be added for the Endpoint protection? I'm using UTM 9 to protect my home network/lab and are in the process of upgrading this to Windows Server...
View Article银离子保健杯什么是ě...
相关的主题文章: 分享到: 摘要: 什么是滞后型情感亚健康?这是大家比较关注的问题,只有了解了什么是滞后型情感亚健康,才会为治疗这种亚健 康实现正确的道路,那么究竟什么是滞后型情感亚健康呢?接下来我们就来详细了解一下。 该给的情感给迟了 表现:父母在世时,孩子们总是借口工作忙、有 什么是滞后型情感亚健康?这是大家比较关注的问题,只有了解了什么是滞后型情感亚健康,才会为治疗这种亚健...
View Article纯银保健杯快节奏的ũ...
相关的主题文章: 分享到: 摘要: 现代生活的快节奏使得很多都市人处于一种欺骗性健康状态,也就是亚健康,那么导致亚健康的因素有哪些呢,在 这里骏丰频谱将为您解答这个问题。 1、饮食不合理。当机体摄入热量过多或营养贫乏时,都可导致机体失调,纯银杯。过量吸烟、酗酒、睡眠不足、缺少运动、情绪 现代生活的快节奏使得很多都市人处于一种欺骗性健康状态,也就是亚健康,那么导致亚健康的因素有哪些呢,在...
View ArticleHA Ungleicher Stand
Konfiguration: 2x ASG220 als Hot-Standby (Aktive-Passive) Problem unter Status steht es so : 1 SLAVE Node1 ACTIVE 8.305 Fri Sep 7 21:13:07 2012 2 MASTER Node2 ACTIVE 8.305 Fri Aug 24 10:11:28 2012...
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