Issue with Firewall Rules
We are having an issue after upgrading to a new ASG525's from an ASG425's (Hot standby on both systems) and from Ver 8.306 to Ver 9.004-16. Because the 525's were new we built them from the ISO then...
View Articleerror message on wan link
I have a problemam,'m using balancing and link one of my links is CABLE MODEM, with this error message on the dashboard, I reseto to the modem (dhcp active with this) and this error does not disappear,...
View ArticlePOP3 Proxy Server timeout
I have pop3 proxy for 3 email server.suddenly 1 of my servers could not connect to primary server to collect emails.when i remove this server from allowed networks or disable pop3 proxy everything is...
View ArticleRP Routing and Bonjour with UTM 9
Hi all, I'm trying to get RP routing to work and haven't been successful. I've attached all the setup screens for you to review. I have a LAN ( and a WLAN ( that I am trying to...
View ArticleMultiple VPNs Site to Site
hi, team i have 7 UTM SOPHOS 9, and i cant create comunication betewen this UTM, when i connect the second UTM, the first server conected lost link of vpn server. i need help for create vpn site to...
View Articlehow does web protection work?
Hello all, I have a few questions about the web protection feature, I think Ive found most of the answers but want to clarify. I am using the new Sophos UTM 9. Is the URL database hosted locally and...
View ArticleVPN traffic to the primary uplink and Internet traffic to the secondary uplink
Hello everyone, I am new to this forum. Maybe my question is answered 1000 times already, but the search engine gave me no result to my question. In our company we are running a ASG 7 firewall...
View ArticleSSL VPN und Windows 8 Pro
Hallo Gemeinde :) mir ist gerade aufgefallen, dass mein Astaro SSL VPN Client unter Windows 8 Pro nicht mehr so will, wie es soll... :eek: Die Installation hat geklappt, aber wenn ich eine Verbindung...
View ArticleASG 110/120 Upgrade to V8 won't download further
Hey there, a customer of me has the problem, that the astaro won't download the Upgrade to v8. It is staying at 1% since 28 Minutes and it won't stop automatically. Is there any way of stopping the...
View ArticleEmails are skipping from Astaro antispam
Hi all, Some emails are skipping from Astaro V8 Home edition antispam and are going straight to Exchange 2010 e-mail account. I dont see them in SMTP log. Any idea how to solve the problem? Thanks!
View Articlesecurity certificates
Multiple questions in this.. 1 is there a way to bypass the need for the security cert? We have a dorm on campus and need to be able to bypass this if possible for manpower reasons. Will it by pass the...
View ArticleNoob needs help getting started
I've gotten thrown into the deep end (deep for me anyway) and would really appreciate some help. I've got a list of ports I need to open. I've been poking around and see some places I suspect are where...
View ArticleAnother NAT question...
Hi, I searched google and this forums on how to setup NAT for our servers in DMZ. We are currently using Fortigate and testing a demo unit from Sophos. Here are my issues: Our servers are on the DMZ...
View ArticleVPN Tunnel
Hallo zusammen, ich habe in einer ASG 220 VPN Tunnel konfiguriert. Leider kommt dieser Tunnel derzeit nicht konstant zum laufen. Die ASG kann aufgrund dynamischer IP der Gegenstelle derzeit nur auf...
View ArticleExcessive up2date traffic?
Hi All, I've got my Astaro ASG-525 A/P cluster pulling over 13GB p/month from up2date servers. Is this normal? For the last month it was actually #1 for HTTP. resolves to...
View ArticleSSL VPN remote access and different privelege.
Hi all I have a question on SSL VPN remote access. My client must config 2 remote user with SSL VPN. The fist user have full privilege and can connect on all the internal lan. The second user can...
View Article[9.004] RED50 behavior
Hi, 1. is this correct: when the device says restarting, it only tries to restart the tunnel? 2. When I diconnected WAN2, only a few pings get lost. When I disconnected WAN1, first only a few ping get...
View ArticleVerbindungsproblem Site-to-Site VPN / SMTP
Hallo zusammen, ich kämpfe nun schon seit Freitag mit folgender Herausforderung und weiß so langsam nicht mehr weiter: PC-1 -- UTM-1 -- Site-to-Site VPN -- UTM-2 -- Mailserver / PC-2 Ich möchte das der...
View Articlewhen does the web-proxy automatically flush its content?
Hi there, i know that i can flush the content of the webfilter manually! But how does the filter handle the flushing of websites automatically? In other words: when does the filter renew its content?...
View ArticleTime Based Application Control...
Hey, is it possible to control the application control for the webfilter on a timebased? Greets lars
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