Channel: Sophos User Bulletin Board
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IPSEC site to site VPN via Preshared key

I have installed 2 set of AGS9.0 firewal. Firewal 1,Lan IP segment and firewal 2 Lan Ip segment I have created IPSEC site to site VPN via Preshared key between these 2...

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AP 10 no longer has channel 13 since v8.307

Hi; I have an AP10, for the last year it has been running on channel 13. Two nights ago, I got the v8.307 upgrade. Tonight I tried connecting to the wireless network, and I couldn't get a connection....

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Quarantine Migration

We have to change a Astaro UTM to the new Sophos UTM. We want also to migrate the Quarantine, Whitlist and Blacklist settings. What will be the best practices for that? Thank you very much for help.

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Sending via smtp over transp. utm to an extern w auth

Hello there, i've a problem. One person wants to use his personal (private) mail-account on his notebook. When he's outside the lan, he can use it via umts/hsdpa (cellphone). From the internal network...

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Cisco VPN iphone

Hallo , ich bin dabei eine VPN Verbindung von meinem iphone einzurichten und bräuchte Unterstützung. Vor meiner UTM9 ist noch ein Router Speedport davorgeschaltet. Dieser Speedtport baut meine DSL...

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IPSec-Verbindung nach Umstellung auf VDSL

Hallo Zusammen, ich habe aktuell ein Problem bei dem ich nicht mehr weiterkomme Unsere zwei Standorte sind per Site2Site-IPSec verbunden, was die letzten Monate (mit DirectAccess an beiden Standorten)...

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Customization/Global shows empty window

A long time ago, we set a company logo in the customization area of the V8 Version. Now, on V9, I wanted to change this logo, because it's too big. When I open Customization/Global I get only an empty...

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Netzwerkkarte mit auto neg

Hallo zusammen, nach einigem Lesen hier im Forum habe ich da mal eine Frage, ich habe eine Astaro Installation auf einer VMware laufen. Habe zwei physische Netzwerkarten wovon die eine nur zur externen...

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Verteilte Administration Mail Manager

Hallo, besteht eine Möglichkeit den Mail Manager für die Mail Administratoren als eigenständige Anwendung zur Verfügung zu stellen? Derzeit (ASG 8.306) gibt es beim Aufruf der URL...

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Internal LAN - LAN traffic being blocked

Hi, I'm having trouble getting Astaro to allow all communication between 2 internal subnets? Both networks can access the internet, published servers and mail server work but internal workstations are...

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Hallo zusammen, ich habe eine kurze Frage bezüglich Netzwerkdefinitionen, bzw. etwas, das mich verwundert. Wenn ich eine Netzwerkdefinition vom Typ Host anlege, dann kann ich keine Angabe zum Thema...

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Termination of VRED Early Adopters Program

I'd like to inform you that we hereby terminate the VRED Early Adopters Program. Thank you very much for your participation. Based on your feedback we are going to decide in the new few weeks whether...

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"Resolve All" vs "OK"

Hi Under [Endpoint Protection], there is a status for each of the endpoints. If there is an Alert, you can click on the alert, and it will give you information about what a scan found. There are 3...

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HTTPS Verkehr auf transparenten Proxy umleiten

Hallo alle zusammen! Unter http://www.astaro.org/local-language...tps-proxy.html wurde mir ja schon super erklärt warum im Standard Modus HTTP und HTTPS Seiten über den Proxy aufgerufen werden können,...

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Transparent Mode, Standard Mode and Reporting

I have recently switched over to an Astaro gateway and am using the transparent proxy option. I used to have a basic firewall and used a Sophos proxy appliance. I am wondering, with the Astaro, is...

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IPS Preventing YouTube Buffering

For some reason YouTube videos are not allowed to buffer completely. The IPS Live Log shows the following line: 2012:11:26-22:24:35 asg snort[6976]: id="2101" severity="warn" sys="SecureNet" sub="ips"...

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Mail Manager ohne Inhalt

Guten Morgen Wir haben bei einer unserer ASGs das Problem, dass der Mail Manager keinen Inhalt mehr anzeigt. Siehe Anhang. Wir haben diverse Browser getestet und haben leider überall das gleiche...

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Want to suggest a new knowledgebase article?

Dear customers and partners, we are launching an initiative to improve our knowledgebase (KB). As you, our customers, are the ones who should profit most from the provided articles, we are seeking your...

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Update ASG8 to UTM9 -> defective logging & other questions

Hi, I’ve been using ASG v8 for quite a while without having bigger issues as a virtual appliance (esxi; I have not used the Astaro image but installed with the standard iso & the home license)....

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[9.004-33] IPS update going bad?

Hi, just noticed the following in the UP2Date logs: 2012:11:27-17:10:29 firewall auisys[3767]: Installing up2date package file '/var/up2date//ipsbundle/u2d-ipsbundle-9.61.tgz.gpg' 2012:11:27-17:10:29...

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