Via UTM 9 defined sceduled scan can be deleted on client side
Hello, i definded a sceduled scan on UTM 9 for my endpoints. Everything works fine, all clients get the new profile and the scan is sceduled on client side. But on client side you can delete the...
View ArticleFirewall rule being bypassed
Can someone please help explain why my firewall rule is being bypassed? The UTM box has an ip of on its internal adaptor which is connected to the internal network switch. The external...
View ArticleAllow wildcard in host addresses in firewall rules
Is it possible to set-up a rule in the firewall to block access to wildcard addresses. e.g. To block all access to * from a specific host. I know I could possibly use web filtering but I...
View ArticleVoip helper not working with h264
I'm trying to use the network protection -> VoIP helper. It works fine as long as we only make voice calls. When I try and place a video call (h.264), just get a timeout. Nothing at all shows up in...
View ArticleUTM Hardware?
Hello everybody does anybody know, which for hardware the new utm100/110 appliances are? Or can somebody say, what hardware is needed to get a firewall thoughput which is higher than 150MBit/s? Thanks...
View ArticleV8 Cluster nodes in distinct rooms
Hi all i'm about to make an active/passive cluster of two nodes in V8. my question is : do the appliances have to be directly connected to establish the cluster ? or the can the replication traffic be...
View Article3G USB modem just stopped working
Hello, I just stated my home gateway and I cannot connect to the Internet via my 3G modem. Under PPP daemon log I get, Code: 2013:01:03-21:29:52 UTM9 pppd[10444]: pppd 2.4.6 started by root, uid 0...
View ArticleRED and IPV6
Hello, Do you know if it's possible to have IPV6 support on RED. When the RED interface is create on the ASG why this interface is only IPV4. Where my RED is connect IPV6 is available. Where my ASG is...
View ArticleFacebook sehr langsam
Hallo, kann es sein, dass Facebook mit einer ASG etwas Träger ist? Sehr oft dauert der Seitenaufbau oder die Seitenaktualisierung sehr lange. habe ich als https ecexption schon...
View ArticleUTM9 => Checkpoint IPSec S2S VPN
Hi, I established an IPSec Site2Site VPN between our UTM and a Checkpoint Firewall. Both sides are using networks (not hosts) to be encrypted. local: <=> remote: The...
View ArticleQuestion About SkyDrive and Ports
I am trying to figure out how to allow all outbound ports and block ones I do not want. Also trying to get skydrive to work with sophos and unable to get it to communicate any suggestions?
View ArticleIPSEC VPN aus Mobilfunk Netz
Hallo, weiss jemand ob es möglich ist, einen IPSEC VPN Tunnel mit dieser Konstellation aufzubauen. -Lancom Router im 3G Mobilfunk-Netz, T-Mobile Austria, bekommt keine öffentliche IP, wird durch...
View ArticleGrundlegende Frage zu UTM 100 mit Basic Guard und SMTP
Hallo, wir haben hier einen Exchange-Server und empfangen und senden unsere Mails per SMTP. Bei einer Full Guard kann ich den SMTP-Verkehr in beide Richtungen scannen lassen. Wie verhält es sich aber...
View ArticleWhich Virtual Appliance Download variant to use?
I'm running VMware vSphere 5, with ESXi 5 hosts. I want to run the Essential Business Edition to route between a vSwitch without NICs and a vSwitch with NICs. This is what I'm presented with from the...
View ArticleTurning off Tamper Protection
Hi I'm trying to turn off tamper protection on an Endpoint. I turned it off via the admin interface, but the change has still not accrued on the endpoint, even after a reboot. I notice there is a...
View ArticleL2TP/IPSEC: Windows 7/8 sendet falsches X.509 Zertifikat
Hi, leider kann Win7/8 von Haus aus nur eine L2TP über IPSEC Verbindung aufbauen. Ich habe die Verbindung nach der Anleitung eingerichtet. Verwende...
View ArticleHow to use X-Forwarded-For field to filter traffic
Hello i want to filter user access with source ip . User traffic come to astaro from proxy interface. the only way for me is to filter traffic with X-Forwarded-For field. Can i do something with astaro...
View ArticleRecursive Directory for whitelist Exceptions
Hi I'm trying to whitelist a directory and its Sub-directories. I made a Scanning Exclusion rule for path C:\DevDirectory\ . But the AV still flags stuff in sub-directories. How do I define a path that...
View Articleblocking facebook apps in smartphones (apple and android)
Hi Experts, My astaro 425 ver 8 able to blocked http/s:// via web browsing, however I noticed that there are some traffic shows facebook still accessible, till I found out that some...
View ArticleWeb Protection
Hallo Zusammen, Ich habe ein paar Fragen zum Web Protection (Content Filter von der Astaro): - Ist es möglich, dass man über die Authentizierung verschiedene Filter definieren kann? (z.B. Herr X =...
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