Email bei pppoe reconnect
Hallo Gemeinde, scheinbar gibt es bei der V8 nicht die Möglichkeit der "Notification after pppoe reconnect".? Würde gerne nach jedem Reconnect eine Info bekommen. Gibt es da Onboard eine Lösung, bzw....
View ArticlePKI-Error only in IPSEC-VPN (RAS)
Hello again ;-)) Nearly everything is working on my UTM120: The certbased-secured Site-Site-IPSec-Connection to the main-router (a UTM220), the Cisco-VPN-Connection with an iOS-device and the...
View Article[help me] manage email in internal behind firewall
my company use email with outlook and I want to my user only use this email . How to config astaro prevent user use other email to send email from internal to internet? Tks.:D
View ArticleQuestion
Is the sophos endpoint the full software or is it a trail form the utm 9? Just curious I love sophos products if it is the full I would like to know. If so how long will it be a feature this is great :D
View ArticleSecurity Certificate
I wanted to know how often does the sophos utm security certificates update? Been getting weird errors after installing one they are showing it has expired like 3 years ago.
View ArticleEmail Notification after pppoe reconnect
Hi, i have a Astaro V8.308 and i can´t find an Option which send me an Email Notification after pppoe reconnect. Gives there any Solutions? Regards
View Article3Gb Only..?
Setup UTM9 on my Vsphere server, and i added 4Gb to the VM but it only ever see's 3Gb in the Resource usage, i added 10Gb as a joke but it still does not detected how much it has, wondering if this is...
View ArticleUplink montioring/balancing w/ P2P and and Inet
Hello All, I have a question in regards to Uplink monitoring/Balancing. I have a branch office where I have two WAN connections. 1.) A 100Mbps Fiber point-2-point over a /29 subnet that goes back to...
View ArticleSystem Password Reset ASG 8 - What happens after
On ASG 8 what happens next after you press the Reset System Passwords button? Which passwords do I need to recreate after and how would I do so? Regards, John
View ArticleCheap soultions for a sophos utm gateway?
I wanted to know what would be a cheap solution for a sophos gateway? Looking for something that will not draw much power but also has the performance of a full pc or a hardware appliance. Any...
View Articlepppoe and vlan
Hi, is it possible, to use a vlan interface for pppoe uplink, or do i have to use a deticated ethernet for such purpose? I'm currently not at home, and can't check it,... Thanks in advance, regards...
View ArticleCannot upload backup, data missing or corrupted.
Happy New Year Everyone, I just got through building and installing UTM9:D. Looking good so far. However, when I try to import my last ASG8.308 Backup, I get the following error. At first I thought it...
View ArticleRemote Access logging REF_AaaUse1 and REF_AaaUse2
I see user names "REF_AaaUse1" and "REF_AaaUse2" occasionally in my Remote Access session logs. Does anyone know what these are? I use Active Directory backend authentication and most sessions are...
View Article[8.306] PPTP disconnects after a 2-3 minutes
Hi, We have pptp remote access set up for a few of our users. One user who claims to not have changed anything in their network or on their computer, has very frequent disconnects since a while. That...
View ArticleJava v6 Proxy Authentication (Popup)
Hello there, i'm running into an old problem: Proxy-Auth with JAVA. I'm using an applet which loads the gui, then presenting the user a proxy-logon-window. I'm currently using v9.3x with an ad-sso...
View ArticleHTTP / HTTPS nicht möglich über transparenten Proxy
Hallo Leute, ich habe mal eine Frage zum WebProxy meiner Astaro ( UTM9.004-34, Software-Appliance ). Ich habe den WebProxy im "Transparenten Modus" laufen, benutze keine Profile und habe als "Allowed...
View ArticleHttp/s vpn portal issue
Dear all I am facing an issue while trying to publish an http or https page through the html vpn portal on a UTM 320 version 9. The users login gine on the user portal but when they click connect on...
View ArticleSchnittstellen WEG!
Hallo zusammen, folgendes ist aufgefallen: Habe einen UTMv9 220: mit 2 reds und wlan eingerichtet. Bei den Schnittstellen sind diese nicht mehr enthalten. Wie kann ich diese wieder holen? Nach einem...
View ArticleDarstellung
Seit anfang sieht das so aus: Was kann man dagegen machen? Attached Images Unbenannt.JPG (20.6 KB)
View ArticleDHCP Relais
Hallo zusammen, was benötigt man alles für ein DHCP Relais? Kann man damit auch die REDs bedienen oder über VLANs diese senden, müsste machbar sein? Ein Switch mit DHCP Relais ist nicht nötig? Aufbau?...
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