[9.105-9] POP3S and Hotmail :UIDL issue
Hi All It seems that I am not able to use hotmail with pop3s settings as prefetch complains as per below: Code: 2013:08:21-17:23:49 ******** pop3proxy[11763]: Prefetch for account 9: Successfully...
View Articlessl vpn client not getting IP
Hi: I have a ASG220 box and a remote server with a public IP static address. It has the Astaro SSL VPN client installed, but when sign in, light goes green afr=ter a while, but no DHCP address is taken...
View ArticleLive Log requires re-login
The Log Live works fine if I access it right after I login to Sophos but soon after, I have to re-login to Sophos in order for it to populate with data if I switch from Firewall to IPS or vice versa....
View Article[4.103-8]pushed to SUM
4.103-8 with lots of updates has been pushed to my SUM. I have installed it, but not been able to review all the fixes. Ian:)
View Article[9.105-9] Quarantine reports are not sent out
After upgrading to version 9.105-9 the quarantine reports are not sent out anymore. I tried to disable/enable the reports and changed the time, with no luck I am getting notification for other events...
View ArticleSSH-Verbindungen über IPsec-Tunnel nach außen leiten
Hallo zusammen, ich habe 2 Astaros, beide mit Version 8.310. Astaro1 befindet sich hinter einer Fritzbox an einem DSL-Anschluss mit dynamischer IP. Astaro2 befindet sich an einem anderen Standort mit...
View ArticleWebProxy Unusable Slow
Since a few days I'm experiencing this problem. When turning the WebProxy off, it feels like I got the internet back. It was like running a 56K modem and having connection timeouts all the time. Now,...
View ArticleBug? Application reporting.
On one of our UTM devices I see this: (Under web protection summary). Attachment 10560 Whilst under reporting - Application control, top apps I see this: Attachment 10561 Why does Spotify not appear?...
View ArticleWeb Filtering not working after 9.105-9 install
After installing 9.105-9, Transparent Web Proxy no longer works. Users get a Host Not Found message. (This is not a DNS, firewall problem... DNS is working great.) Turning off Web Filtering and the...
View Articlesome websites do not load properly
Hi, I've got a problem, that some pages don't load properly, it doesn't matter which OS I use or which browser. There are two Sites I know about it never works: Das führende Portal für Digital-TV,...
View ArticleAP30 bleibt inaktiv
Hello *, habe hier einen AP30 der zwar erkannt wird, aber nur "INAKTIV" bleibt. Das Log meldet mier hierzu: device sends DEV2ASG_INITIALCONTACT twice, dropping. Das Problem erscheint dann minütlich im...
View ArticleZugriff auf Verzeichnis bei FTP scheitert
Hallo zusammen, wir haben aktuell das Problem, das wir nicht auf den FTP-Server eines Kunden zugreifen können, bzw. nicht auf das Verzeichnis. Die FTP-Clients (Cyberport, Filezilla (beides Mac)) loggen...
View ArticleCertain S2S traffic through fix interface
Hello we got some WAN-boosters in some branch offices. The booster at our headquarters is limited in its "optimized throughput" Therefore I'd like to make sure that only traffic coming from a network...
View ArticleMigration from Standard to Transparent Proxy
Hello we want to migrate from standard to transparent proxy. The standard proxy is set via Group-policies, PAC or manually, so we need a transfer strategy, since it is impossible to ensure that all...
View ArticleNew user.. lots of routing questions
Hello Everyone! Hopefully I'm posting this in the correct subforum! First time user of UTM 9.1. Just installed the home edition on my new purpose built firewall PC. Initially installed Untagle, but was...
View ArticleWAN interface: Link state is Error
Hello everyone I recently deployed a new ASG120 to a branch and it says Error at Link state on the dash board. Everything was fine at the headquarters where I set it up. Static IPs where used on both...
View Articlesecure email gateway
Can I connect your secure email gateway with my business email which is connected to Google business email app?
View ArticleDMZ on ASG-interface
Hello everyone I want to set up a DMZ on a physical interface of my UTM. Therefore I configured a /24 IP range on that interface. The port is connected to a top-of-rack switch where the port has a...
View ArticleMonitoring UTM via nagios: RED status and NIC-load
Hello everyone, is it possible to check the status of the REDs remotely (e.g. via SNMP)? I'd also like to check the load on my interfaces, CPU-load etc. Is this possible? Best regards
View Article4.0 to 4.1 update
The blog post said that an Up2Date package for 4.0 to 4.1 will be released later. This was two month ago, will it happen?
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