authentication failure lockout
how do i disable the ad lockup for too many authentication errors in astaro. I already have it setup on Ad and astaro's propensity to shutdown authentication is getting in the way of normal network...
View ArticlePOP3 proxy: Connection to remote server failed
All of the sudden I have been getting people telling me that there mail client is asking them for there password and then the login failed. I am looking at the live log pop3 proxy and I keep seeing:...
View ArticleClientless VPN Remote desktop resolution
Hi, i'm testing the clientless SSL VPN with my thinkpad x220 and i seem to have a problem with the standard resolution used by the awsome HTML5 RDP session ;-) The client seems to pick a resolution for...
View ArticleCharacter conversion in Clientless VPN
Hi, In Clientless VPN, it seems to be unable to use character conversion. Is there how to input a double byte character? It is fatal that character conversion cannot be used in my country.
View ArticleFTP Server DNAT
I have an internal FTP server that I want to have open to the Internet for file transfers. 1. Created a WAN interface with a public IP address. 2. Created a FTP Server with a private IP address. 3....
View ArticleWWWRun
I notice the following high load in the wwwrun section of top. I have 4 GB RAM and a quad core Xeon and as this has been continuous for over 2 hours, thought I would submit it. Have no idea why the...
View ArticleSecurity Gateway Probleme mit dem Dateisystem unter VMWARE ESX
Hallo zusammen, ich habe unter ESXi 5 eine "Astaro Security Gateway Virtual Appliance für VMware" liegen. In die VM laufen zwei verschiedene VLANs ein die mein Modemtraffic und mein normales Netzwerk...
View ArticleAP-30 at branch office connected over IPsec Tunnel
Hello, i already have seen the article about the RED box. But we have an ASG425 on the one side and a ASG525 at the HQ. Our Astaro reponsible said that i just have to add the Host ( to the...
View Article[8.900] Endpoint Protection User can change settings
Tamper Protection is not working. User on Windows XP can tamper the settings of EndPoint Protection. On UTM 9 the Tamper Protection is enabled.
View Article[8.900][BUG] Endpoint Protection User can change settings
Tamper Protection is not working. User on Windows XP can tamper the settings of EndPoint Protection. On UTM 9 the Tamper Protection is enabled.
View ArticleClientless SSL VPN reports?
Will Clientless SSL VPN connections be reported in the final version? This certainly would be useful in our environment.
View Article[8.900] DHCP Option next-server can be used only once
Hi there, i tried to activate the DHCP-Option next-server in 2 different DHCP-Servers in 2 diffrerent LANs but without success ... It tells me that this option is only allowed once ... but i tried to...
View ArticleVPN SLL - Users/Group AD - User group network
Hi, I've setup an ssl vpn, it's working fine. I left the "Automatic Firewall rules" and build my own rules. I have all kind of users connecting to the ssl vpn. The users are backend users from an AD....
View Articleinitial instalation and empty basic fw rules
If the installation does not choose at least one of the offered "Make your basic firewall settings" (access to Web surfing, e-mail services, for example, or VPN services, protocols) later in the...
View ArticleSMTP Proxy and SMTP Auth
Hi, I'm using the transparent SMTP proxy. It has worked for a couple of years now and I'm mostly satisfied. Lately there are more and more users bringing their Laptops to work and connect to the...
View ArticleUp2date
Hallo, ich wolllte mal fragen, wir ihr mir neuen Updates umgeht, die vom Up2Date Dienst bereitgestellt werden. Installiert ihr jedes Firmawareupdate sofort nach dem Erscheinen? Welche Updatestategie...
View ArticleChange IP - root password
Hello to the list, I am looking to change the IP of a new ACC. I have in mind the ifconfig command but I must use this command as root and I have no clue of the password of root by default. Someone can...
View Article[8.900][BUG] Endpointprotection shows outdated PCs
Hi there, in the dashboard the EP shows outdated Workstations, but when i open EP, there is no information about outdated PCs. Robert Attached Images Bildschirmfoto 2012-03-07 um 15.02.51.png (12.2 KB)...
View ArticleCannot log in - Please wait, connecting to backend
This morning I opened up the admin console on my ASG525 running 8.103 and have the message "Please wait, connecting to backend" presented instead of the username / password dialog. The background of...
View ArticleASG 220 - nach abschaltung von Acess Points ausfälle im Netz
hallo zusammen, mich beschäftigt seit einiger zeit schon ein "problem". ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob das überhaupt mit der astaro in verbindung steht, aber ich schreibs einfach mal hier rein....
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