How to get Siri working?
Hi, the kids of friends got their new iphones for christmas and now they want to use 'Siri' Normal browsing and email works like on their old phones with proxy in standard mode. In the packet filter...
View ArticleBlacklisting Not Working
Firmware 8.203 ASG120 Mail Security/SMTP/AntiSpam/Blacklist has entry: * Reject at SMTP Time is set to CONFIRMED SPAM Email header has: From: "Blog Marketing" <>...
View ArticleFlow monitor reports NTP under OpenVPN
Running version 8.300 I looked at the Flow Monitor for ALL interfaces There was a lot of entries under OpenVPN - all for UDP/123. Checked the NTP configuration and removed the entry...
View ArticleUplink balancing troubles!
Maybe somebody can help me? Have 2 ASG V8, on both two uplink interface, eth 0 on both ASG in same provider network and that is a problem! When first interface (eth0) down on ASG1 bat eth0 on ASG2...
View ArticleServer Load balancing Statusmails
Hallo, ich spiele gerade mit der Funktion Server Load Balancing herum. Überse ich etwas oder gibt es eine Statusmails etc. wenn das System umschaltet weil z.B. ein Server nicht erreichbar ist? Astaro...
View ArticleServer Load balancing Online-Hilge nicht vollständig
Hallo, in der Konfiguration Server Load balancing kann man über das Symbol Schraubenschlüssel weitere Parameter einstellen. Diese Parameter werden in der Online-Hilfe nicht erklärt. Astaro Version 8.3...
View Articlebandwith problem
Hi, i have a problem with 2 ASG in HA, i have a 4M WAN fully used but i don't know . I tried iftop via ssh but i can't see the source ... I have no access in reporting tab because it's too slow . If I...
View ArticleGoogle Chrom web browser login page issue
Dears, I have ASG version 8.203 software version, When I try to browse through Google Chrome (16.0.912.63) and enter my credential in Astaro login page I receive this error message "Reveived invalid...
View ArticleDHCP auf Astaro
Hallo, folgende Situation: Ich habe mehere Access Points von Astaro verbaut und vernetzt. Das funktioniert auch alles wunderbar, die Access Point werden von der Astaro erkannt und man kann eine...
View ArticleSetup user only for Site-to-site VPN
Is it possible to create a user group that can only access the Site-to-Site VPN section in the Webadmin? I have asked the sophos support but they told me it is not possible and I should post that as a...
View ArticleSSL VPN with remote and local LAN the same IP scheme
I was wondering if there is a way to get around the issue of my office LAN having the same IP scheme as a remote LAN at an SSL VPN user's house, remote office, etc. Here is the deal...the wonderful...
View Article[8.300]Daily reports web reporting
Hi, the daily reports web security -> web usage reports All reports have an entry of "This report is disabled by configuration". The web filter report doesn't have any entries. When I figure out how...
View ArticleReport Top 10 Client unbekanntes System
Hallo, in meiner Liste taucht folgendes externes System auf: 276 657 37.6 MB 0.94 % In den Reports finde ich erst mal so nichts dazu. Kann mir dazu jemand Tips...
View ArticleASG and myvideo
Hello Community, i have a little problem with showing videos on I can open the page and selecting a video, the ad film before the video is playing, but the video itself will not start. I...
View ArticleRedistribute Connected issue with OSPF and RED ASG2ASG on 8.300
Using two ASG connected via a RED tunnel (ASG2ASG mode on 8.300 release). Both ASGs have an internal and an external interface and OSPF is turned on on both the internal and the red interfaces. The...
View ArticleVoIP - Proxylose Verbindung
Hallo, und zwar möchte ich mit meinem Handy im WLAN über VoIP nach draußen telefonieren. Jedoch stört da der Proxy. Jetzt meine Frage: Kann man in der Astaro eine Ausnahme festlegen, damit ich mit dem...
View ArticleBei aktivem HTTP Proxy viel höhere Pings ??
Hallo zusammen, eins vorweg, bin absoluter Neuling in Sachen ASG und bitte um Nachsicht ;);) Ich habe mir die ASG SW Version 8.30 installiert und komme soweit ganz gut zurecht. Was mir allerdings...
View ArticleHTTP Proxy aus DMZ / Zugriff einschränken
Aus einer Gast-DMZ können die Gäste über den ASG-transparenten Proxy in das Internet. Wie und was kann man sinnvoll einstellen, daß diese geproxyte Verbindungen ausschließlich ins Internet zugelassen...
View ArticleASG 120 eth 3
Hi all, Hope you are doing well. I'd like to know if there is a way to switch the eth 3 of ASG 120 from heartbeat (HA) interface to normal interface to utilize it in Internet Load Balancing, so is that...
View ArticleAP30's disconnecting all wireless clients
I've been having issues with my Astaro AP30's disconnecting all the wireless clients on the network. It seemed to start happening around v8.203 and I have never had this issue before (been using the...
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