[8.930][DUPE] Increased ram usage because of IPS
8.930 has come up with another issue...highly increased ram usage. Even with vm.swappiness set to zero and with 3 gigs of ram installed i am now getting a quarter of a gig in swap. I just noticed this...
View Article[8.930][FEATURE] Hyper-v dynamic memory
With windows vm's i can set a minimum ram and maximum ram and set the vm to dynamically allocate. When a windows vm gets under memory pressure it simply requests more ram from the hyper-v host and it's...
View Article[8.930][BUG] Exchange OWA notifications
Hi, when using web application security to protect Outlook Web Access for Exchange 2010 SP2 RU2 users get the following error message when they click on the error icon in the top right corner:...
View ArticleAusnahmen Download Dateitypen
Sodele hallo an alle hier, beschäftige mich grade mal wieder ein wenig mit den feinheiten der asg 220 version8.301, nachdem sich meine jungs und mädels so langsam an die quarantaine, end-user-portal...
View Article8.930 Increased Swap Usage
It isn't just the IPs.... .3 is using more ram. I am using the local cffd database and ips with two instances. with 3 gigs of ram ram swap usage went from zero to 25%. With a new test configuration for...
View Article[8.930] Web Reporting
Hi All Email attached is from web protection,scheduled reports. Can you please fix the cosmetic issue on the sentence (i.e. Report for URL containing Virus for Internal Users. See attached file.)...
View Article[8.930] SNMPv3 doesn't work when AuthPriv set
The SNMP management tab says SNMPv3 uses AES for encryption, but I couldn't get it to work when I try to snmpwalk with AuthPriv. Everything seems to work using authNoPriv.
View Article[8.930][CLOSED] SNMPv3 doesn't work when AuthPriv set
The SNMP management tab says SNMPv3 uses AES for encryption, but I couldn't get it to work when I try to snmpwalk with AuthPriv. Everything seems to work using authNoPriv.
View ArticleExecutive Report & Application Control
I just installed an Astaro as IPS and application visibility appliance on the outside of a firewall environment. I only enabled Firewall, IPS and application control. For IPS I created an firewall rule...
View ArticleUsing ASG SNMP with nagios
over the last week, i've been updating our monitoring system at work, and I figured id add our astaro to the mix, but i seem to be having some real issues getting it to work. I was just wondering if...
View Article[8.930][ANSWERED] Multiple cosmetic and translate info
Hello Beta Program See the attached images and found in red box all cosmetic and translate errors? For example: 1) In the UTM Admin all title say "WebAdmin" and this should be say "Sophos UTM Admin" or...
View Article[8.930][BUG] Wireless mistake
Hello Beta Program In the Wireless security I found a mistake. Regards Linck Tello Flores Attached Images 0006.jpg (97.3 KB) 0007.jpg (75.8 KB)
View ArticleASG-320 & High Availability
Hi: I have an ASG-320 appliance, V 8.302, and am trying to implement two things (one at a time). Part one is to do high availability/failover. I just got a second ASG-320. From all I've read thus far,...
View ArticlePublsih ERP Online
Dear All I have implemented a new ERP system in my organization , I already have Astaro ASG 120 , the ERP Server IP is : , while the link to let the ERP run is :...
View Article[8.930][DUPE] Unable to download file with Web Protection On
Hi all I'm unable to download the HP Configureaider from the following URL, with the Web Protection on even after making a rule to allow hp.com. HP ConfigureAIDER Looking at the Live logs I see "pass"...
View ArticleTrouble receive mails from 1 specific domain
Hi all Hope you can point me in the right direction here. We have an ASG220 running as plain firewall. We are getting mails delivered from an external scanner agency, that takes care of scanning for...
View ArticleQuestion: How does the captive portal work?
There are different possibilities described in: Captive portal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Wich is used in this implementation? Is it based on the MAC address? What about packet filter rules...
View ArticleInstallation wird nicht abgeschlossen
Hallo, ich habe gerade mit dem letzten Software-Iso eine Astaro auf einem PC installiert. Soweit so gut aber der Assistent läuft nicht druch. Am Ende wird die Zusammenfassung angezeigt aber mehr...
View Article"Accept Encoding: gzip, enflate" werden immer aus dem HTTP Header entfernt
Hallo, wir haben das Problem, das unsere Firewall scheinbar folgenden HTTP Header aus jeglichen Requests entfernt: "Accept Encoding: gzip, enflate" Wir haben eine ASG320 mit der Firmware version: 8.202...
View ArticleGet webadmin-access with users from root-domain
Dear Forum, we've purchased a brand new ASG120 and successfully joined it into a sub-domain. Now we have the problem that we can't log in (webadmin) with an account from our root-domain. In the...
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