Astaro 110/120 not talking
I was working on an Astaro 110/120, and I think I disabled the internal side connection by clicking on the RED square next to the connection. It won't talk to me any longer. I power cycled it, but...
View ArticleHow do i recall the wizard?
The first time when we login to the webadmin, we have to key in the hostname bla bla bla and also to insert the license after which the wizard will prompt the user. how do we access this wizard again...
View ArticleFestplatte defekt
Hi In meiner ASG120 ist die Festplatte defekt. Ich habe also naiv wie ich bin eine neue angestöpselt, und von USB CD-Rom das 8.3er image gebootet und wollte installieren. Er steigt mir aber immer beim...
View ArticleComplicated VPN
Hello. I am trying to make a very complicated VPN connection. I will try to explain as best possible. CompanyA (from here on CA) need a VPN connection to CompanyB (from here on CB). CA already have VPN...
View ArticleURL Hardening Questions
I have set up WAF in the following way: 1. virtual webserver: Domains: Real Web Servers: Lotus Domino Server Firewall Profile: Advanced Protection (with URL hardening) 2. real webserver:...
View ArticleSSL Site-to-Site VPN
Hey Folks, Goal: The ability to have a dynamic number hosts on the Network or VLAN to connect to an OpenVPN Server. I've been reading the Documentation for the SSL Site-to-Site VPN, and I'm having a...
View ArticleSSL-VPN mehrere interne Netzwerke
Hallo, ich möchte per SSL-VPN auf mein Internes Netzwerk zugreifen. In der Firma habe ich eine Astaro ASG220 mit 6 Netzen stehen .... Nun folgendes Problem .... SSL-VPN funktioniert.... Jedoch habe ich...
View ArticleAn SSD, NIC & RAM Question
This is for a large commercial installation. Services on this appliance will be full guard with top of the line XEON processors and loads of RAM. I was originally going to be using 2 600GB SAS 15k...
View ArticleVPN Pass through
I have the ASG running on my home network. I am a network admin and use CISCO's VPN client and other VPN software to connect to different clients from home. I can not get the traffic to "pass through"...
View ArticleWebscurity profile
Hi, I have astaro 120 . we have about 50 users accessing internet without any restrictions. I want to restrict all the users except few. I have IP range to I have static IP up...
View ArticleSSL Remote Access / not connected !
Dear All i used not to have any problem with our Astaro ASG120 , V8.202 but , my employees in UAE , are not being able to connect to it , using SSL Remote connection once they try to connect to Astaro...
View ArticleUpdate v8.1 to 8.3 skipping v8.2
Hi folks, can I scheduled update to V8.3 while skipping the v8.2 Up2Dates? Cheers Attached Images 2012-02-01 09h44_27.png (30.2 KB)
View ArticleVideo Playback: is loading SLOW! is not loading at all!
Hi folks, Let's take this video: Ustream Experience, Ustream Experience Team Ustream on USTREAM. The Web On my Smartphone via 3G that video loads fast within 15 seconds. Within our school network using...
View ArticleASG 120 How many RED
Hi everyone I want to know about ASG120 if i use Network License + Web security License How many RED appliances can i use I know that for full features (UTM) only 10 RED appliances Regards
View ArticleNAT to public IP over L2L IPSEC VPN
New to the forums and to ASG. Thanks in advance for your help! I have a vendor that requires NAT to pubilc IP on our L2L IPSEC VPN as they terminate hundreds of VPN's and REQUIRE this to prevent...
View ArticleASG 8.3 Webinterface hängt
Hallo NG, bei einer meiner ASG 8.3 hängt sich immer das Webinterface auf. Ich muß dann jedesmal die ASG neu starten. Ich finde auch nichts darüber in den Logs. Wo könnte ich da noch nachschen oder...
View ArticleMedical Dictionary
We're looking at upgrading our Astaro appliance and it turns out that it is cheaper to license FullGuard. If we could move our mail filtering to Astaro as well that would make the price tag of a new...
View ArticleiOS install not appearing in Remote Access on User Portal
Hi, I have successfully configured and use SSL VPN which appears under Remote Access on the User Portal site. My problem is I have configured L2TP over IPsec for iOS but nothing appears in the User...
View ArticleReport on FailOver/Standby Interface
Hi All I want to be able to generate a report on how many times the Main Wan link has failed and Astaro has switched to the Standby Link with Date Time? I know I get an email for each event, but can...
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